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Ben Sutures- Non Absorbable Monofilament Polypropylene Surgical Suture with Needle (Size: 0, 1/2 Circle Cutting, 36 mm, 90 cm)

Ben Sutures- Non Absorbable Monofilament Polypropylene Surgical Suture with Needle (Size: 0, 1/2 Circle Cutting, 36 mm, 90 cm)

Ben Sutures- Non Absorbable Monofilament Polypropylene Surgical Suture with Needle (Size: 0, 1/2 Circle Cutting, 36 mm, 90 cm)
Medical Supplies
  • 12 Pieces/ Box
  • Features:
    • Smooth passage through tissue with minimal trauma
    • Excellent knot security and ease of handling
    • Optimal elasticity and elongation properties
    • Retains original tensile strength over time
    • Does not support infection
    • Minimal tissue reaction
    • No tissue adherence

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Ben Sutures- Non Absorbable Monofilament Polypropylene Surgical Suture with Needle (Size: 0, 1/2 Circle Cutting, 36 mm, 90 cm)

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